Prof. Dr. iur. Patricia Schiess

Prof. Dr. iur. Patricia Schiess
Research Fellow Law, Head of Commentary on the Liechtenstein Constitution
Telephone +423 320 33 18
Curriculum Vitae


Education and Training
2017  Titular Professor for Public Law and Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Zurich
2013–2015 Master of Public Adminstration (M.P.A.) Higher Education and Research Management at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer
2010 Habilitation (postdoctoral qualification) in civil law, comparative constitutional law and state organisation law at the University of Zurich
2006 Postdoctoral period of research at the Institute of German and International Party Law and Party Research at the Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany
2004–2005 Postdoctoral period of research at the University of Namur, Belgium
2002 Bar exam, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland
1999 Doctoral degree, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich
1989–1994 Law studies, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich


since 2023 Head of Commentary on the Liechtenstein Constitution
since 2016 Research Fellow at the Liechtenstein Institute
2019–2023 Head of research department of law
2013–2015 Research Associate at the Liechtenstein Institute
2010–2014 Director of studies of the doctoral studies in law at the Private University of the Principality of Liechtenstein UFL
2004–2006 Advanced postdoc Mobility Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation
since 2002 Lecuturer in the Faculty of Law, University of Zurich (from 2010 senior lecturer)
2001–2003 Senior research associate in the Department of Civil Law, University of Zurich
1999–2000 Legal clerkship at the District Court of the City of Zurich
1995–1997 Research Associate of Prof. Dr. iur. Tobias Jaag, chair for constitutional law and administrative law, University of Zurich


Languages German (mother tongue), French, English, Dutch, Spanish and Latin