Similar, but different - Broadcasting financing in the German-speaking countries (Podcast Ars Boni 508)

24 June 2024, 10:00 - 11:00

In the Ars Boni podcast, Patricia Schiess answers questions from Austrian information and media law expert Nikolaus Forgó.

The topic will be the financing of public radio and television broadcasters. As Nikolaus Forgó teaches and researches at the University of Vienna, it will be interesting to work out the similarities and differences between the financing and organization of the ORF and Liechtenstein broadcasting.

In her study "Die Finanzierung des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks. Ein Rechtsvergleich zwischen Liechtenstein, der Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland mit ergänzenden Ausführungen zur Medienförderung Liechtensteins", Patricia Schiess examines the regulations in these countries. She is closely following the discussion on the development of Radio Liechtenstein.

The discussion will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó, Professor of Technology and Intellectual Property Law at the University of Vienna.

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Afterwards, the contribution will be available on Youtube (as a video) and (as an audio file) on Spotify and iTunes.