Applied Economic Analysis

The research area “Applied Economic Analysis” (AEA) comprises both economic and growth analyses on Liechtenstein and consists of the modules “GDP Estimate”, “Focus Topic”, “Business Cycle Inde KonSens”, “Growth Monitor” and “Economic and Financial Data on Liechtenstein”. However, the AEA also includes projects that serve to broaden the database for the aforementioned modules.

The aim of the business cycle analysis is to describe the course of the business cycle as accurately and promptly as possible. Its results are of direct relevance for politics, administration and companies. In contrast to the business cycle analysis, the growth analysis examines the long-term economic development and structural changes. Both business cycle and growth analysis are only possible to a limited extent with the available database in Liechtenstein. The aim of the AEA is therefore to contribute to better data availability through the various modules, to continuously broaden the scope of analysis and, building on this, to publish up-to-date studies on an ongoing basis. As a result, the AEA aims to establish an independent, systematic and permanently relevant economic and growth evaluation for Liechtenstein. The AEA has been supported by the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein since 2020 and complements the existing macroeconomic research at the Liechtenstein Institute.